Many times when you start learning new things, you might’ve started with a lot of excitement. That excitement will motivate you and drive you to learn for a few days in the beginning. But it fades away after a few days. And you might think maybe you don’t enjoy what you’re learning and you have to give up. Don’t do that. When you commit to doing something, you have to go all the way. This is how life is with regard to anything of significant value. Family, relationships, friendships, self growth. All of these require commitment to doing what is necessary no matter how you feel. When you keep doing the same thing despite feeling bored or lazy or uninterested, at the end of it, the outcome of it will give you all the satisfaction and excitement you wanted all along the way.
This doesn’t mean you have to be unhappy about doing something. Find joy in the struggle. Find little things along of the way that can give you some sort of achievement and get you excited again.